Axelson Center for 非营利组织管理

Hallmarks of Nonprofit Man年龄rial Excellence

The seven Hallmarks of Nonprofit Man年龄rial Excellence are the essential elements of a successful nonprofit organization. 当实现, 这些标志将帮助一个组织在实现使命的道路上前进,并更好地为长期可持续发展定位.

Initially developed in 2002 as a tool to assess applications for the then-new Alford-Axelson Award for Nonprofit Man年龄rial Excellence, the Hallmarks have emerged as a general organizational assessment tool. 今天, 这些标志作为所有Axelson中心项目的正式基础,确保非营利部门的整体能力得到加强,为那些参与Axelson中心专业发展项目的组织和个人提供支持。

Whether you’re starting a nonprofit or leading a century-old organization, 我们鼓励你与hallmark -特派团所代表的七个领域进行接触 & 计划,领导 & 治理、战略 & Innovation, Human Resources, Financial Strength & 性能、资源生成 & 对外关系及问责 & Integrity—and use them as a tool for organizational self-assessment.

The Axelson Center periodically revisits and updates the Hallmarks. 最近,我们将多元化、公平和包容(DEI)元素融入了各个品牌. 我们鼓励组织仔细考虑如何将DEI完全集成到他们自己的管理实践中.

非营利组织在解决人类或社区需求方面必须有一个明确而集中的目标, and should formally present this purpose in an organizational mission statement. The nonprofit’s activities and 项目 should be consistent with that purpose. 因为社区需要不断发展, 应该定期重新审视组织的目的和使命,以确保它们仍然是相关的. Evaluation is a critical step in this process, 组织作为一个整体,特别是它的项目,都应该定期评估. 结果评估应该展示组织如何使用定量和定性数据来实现其规划目标和使命.

关于使命 & Program, the top-performing nonprofits:

  • Formally and specifically state their purpose (mission).
  • 有一个清晰而引人注目的使命宣言来表达组织存在的理由.
  • Conduct activities and 项目 consistent with this mission.
  • 定期回顾他们的使命和战略,必要时进行修改.
  • 已经定义了, 对与任务相关的计划和项目进行定量和定性文化敏感评估的成本效益程序.
  • 利用定期文化敏感性评估的结果来加强组织的有效性.
  • 在执行他们的使命时,对人类或社区的需求产生重大影响.

An organization’s governing board plays a critical role in its success. 董事会成员应以战略方式构建,以确保各种技能的混合, 与组织需要和发展阶段相适应的社会身份和多元化背景. Board members are selected with the expectation that they will contribute “time, talent and treasure” to ensure the necessary resources are secured, planning 发生s in a strategic manner and appropriate policies are in place. Senior leadership is chosen based on the skills, 经验, 并根据组织的发展需要与使命和价值观保持一致. 董事会和执行领导层之间的协同工作是组织成功的重要关键.

When it comes to managing a nonprofit that is strong in Leadership & 治理,最好的非营利组织:

  • 体现对多样性的承诺, equity and inclusion that is reflected in senior leadership, 员工及董事会.
  • 建立多元化和包容性的董事会,由拥有该特定组织完成其使命所需的经验和技能的个人组成. 这包括功能和项目相关的专业知识,包括生活经验.
  • 董事会的承诺和参与是否反映在时间和/或财务贡献上.
  • 根据需要,让董事会参与长期和短期的计划活动,以确定(或确认)组织的使命, 定义与使命相关的具体目标和目的,并评估组织为实现使命而制定的计划的成功程度.
  • Establish policies enabling the board to effectively man年龄 the organization; these policies are explicit and cover board procedures and term limits.
  • Have boards who are responsible for their own operations, 包括教育, training and development of board members, periodic evaluation of their own performance, 还有新董事会成员的招聘.
  • 董事会是否建立了对首席执行官进行定期评估的制度,以促进对首席执行官随时间推移是否符合组织需求的定期评估.
  • 是否由一个拥有组织完成其使命所需的技能和经验的高级领导团队领导.
  • 证明公司高层领导和董事会之间有效的工作关系.
  • 确保执行继任策略到位,以确保组织长期稳定.

The organization should develop a 清晰的, actionable strategy that is tied to mission, and is reviewed as environmental changes, 外部和内部, 发生.  Programs are modified as needed and created where appropriate, in accordance with systems established to capitalize on opportunities. Innovation is encour年龄d throughout the organization: in systems, 项目 and existing and new partnerships.

Nonprofit organizations who embrace Strategy & Innovation have the following attributes:

  • A 清晰的, coherent and actionable strategy that directly relates to its mission.
  • 用于评估整体战略以及具体方案和服务有效性的绩效指标.
  • 因应市场需要和情况,检讨和更新策略的定期程序.
  • 有明确的证据表明,现有的项目已经有效地发展,以满足潜在服务接受者的需求.
  • A demonstrated commitment to ongoing and continuous improvement, including a system for feedback from service recipients.
  • 系统或过程,以培养新的方案思想和利用新的机会.
  • 鼓励一个支持持续学习的环境,包括从失败中学习.
  • 能够观察各种信号,倾听来自许多来源的新的和创新的想法,包括代表性不足的人群.
  • Consistent exploration of new avenues for collaboration with other entities, 包括非营利组织, 营利或政府.

It is people who advance a nonprofit’s mission. 强大的非营利组织绩效要求组织对推动组织项目的人员进行投资并重视其价值,并使组织与成员保持联系. 对Human Resources的投资反映在支持工作人员和志愿人员有效工作的政策和程序中, 获得足够的报酬,并有机会获得专业发展. 强大的非营利组织创造了一种员工可以做真实自我的文化, 感受到尊重和倾听,并被授权基于他们独特的技能为整体任务做出贡献, 想法和经验.

具有强大Human Resources实践的非营利组织具有以下特点:

  • Written personnel policies and procedures, 董事会批准, 管理本组织所有员工和志愿者的工作和行动.
  • 为员工写的明确角色和职责的工作描述.
  • System in place for conducting annual performance evaluations for all employees.
  • 组织的专业发展计划,以及招聘和留住合格和多样化(代表性不足的)种族代表的有效做法, 指定的专业技能, 性别, 年龄, 能力, 等.雇员和志愿者.
  • Succession plans for all upper man年龄ment roles.
  • Formalized and 清晰的 roles and responsibilities for all organizational entities.
  • A complete organization chart that reflects current organizational realities.
  • Effective use of benchmarking for compensation and salary planning.
  • 招聘, 公平的晋升和薪酬流程,在正式的就业和晋升通道上允许平等的机会,并确保保留.

一个组织的财政实力对于支持其在推进任务中执行工作的能力至关重要. Systems need to be in place to ensure that an annual budget is completed and 董事会批准; internal controls are in place; regular financial reporting 发生s. 本组织不断努力保持其财务健康,以实现长期可持续性. 对外部环境变化的认识和对透明度的重视对财政实力和业绩也同样重要.

Nonprofits with top-notch Financial Strength & Performance have the following tools and practices in place:

  • An annual budget—董事会批准—that guides organizational operations.
  • 一种精确的系统, 清晰的, 并及时向公司内外汇报财务信息和数据.
  • 经注册会计师每年审计的财务报告.
  • 管理组织资产投资等特征的书面财务政策(与组织的规模和复杂性相适应), 内部控制程序, purchasing practices and unrestricted current net assets.
  • An overall demonstration of solid financial performance and health, including attention to strategic cash flow man年龄ment; concern with risk man年龄ment; an awareness of key financial ratios; and compliance with generally accepted accounting practices, 在其他指标中.

组织必须制定战略,确保推进使命所需的资源. 鼓励创新策略,并应让董事会、员工和志愿者参与进来. 外部关系是培养信任和促进对组织工作的了解和认识的关键. These elements can have a positive impact on resource generation.

The following attributes demonstrate strong Resource Generation & 对外关系实务:

  • 有一个多样化和有效的战略,以获得推进任务所需的资源.
  • 与组织规模和复杂程度相关的合理筹资成本.
  • A fundraising program that effectively utilizes board members, volunteers and other key constituents on its behalf.
  • Creative and effective use of volunteers throughout the organization.
  • Proactive interactions with the external world through collaboration, 创收企业和其他努力实现多元化和包容性代表性的举措.
  • 满足组织筹集资金的所有州的法律报告要求.

As recipients and stewards of public funds, transparency is an important attribute of well-man年龄d nonprofits. 随着时间的推移,组织领导者在组织工作的每个方面都重视诚信,这对组织的成功会产生深远的影响. 共享任务, 向公众提供项目和财务信息是培养透明度和信任的关键部分. 制定适当的政策来处理潜在的利益冲突,并确保遵守法律和报告要求,在整个组织中培养诚信文化方面也起着重要作用.

Nonprofits who effectively put Account能力 & Integrity principles into practice do the following:

  • Provide the public with information about their mission, 规划活动和财务,并确保组织工作人员能够接触到对其事务表示兴趣的公众成员并作出回应.
  • 是否有适当的利益冲突政策,并定期和系统地执行这些政策,以防止实际发生, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Periodically conduct an internal review of their compliance with existing legal, regulatory and financial reporting requirements.